
Production requirements and material selection of gravity casting

Gravity Casting Pistion In the process of using gravity casting, it mainly refers to the effective injection process of molten metal into the mold under the action of the gravity of the earth. To some extent, it is also called gravity casting.  Gravity casting  in broad sense includes sand casting, metal casting, investment casting, EPC, mud casting, etc.; gravity casting in narrow sense mainly refers to metal casting. In the production of gravity casting, there are many processing methods of products made of metal materials, such as casting, forging, extrusion, rolling, drawing, stamping, cutting, powder metallurgy and so on. Among them, casting is the most basic and commonly used process. To some extent, gravity casting can effectively inject the molten metal into the hollow mold made of high temperature resistant materials, and the products with expected shape can be obtained after condensation, which is called casting. The product is a casting. Casting can be divided into 

Advantages of aluminum alloy casting and defects analysis of aluminum alloy gravity casting

Advantages of aluminum alloy casting and defects analysis of aluminum alloy gravity casting Cast aluminum alloy has many advantages that other castings can't compare, such as beauty, light weight, corrosion resistance and so on, which makes it widely favored by users, especially since the automobile lightweight, cast aluminum alloy castings have been widely used in the automobile industry. The density of cast aluminum alloy is smaller than that of cast iron and cast steel, but the specific strength is higher. Therefore, aluminum alloy castings can reduce the weight of the structure under the same load. Therefore, aluminum alloy castings are widely used in the aviation industry, power machinery and transportation machinery manufacturing. Aluminum alloy has good surface luster and good corrosion resistance in the atmosphere and fresh water, so it has a wide range of applications in the manufacture of civil utensils. Pure aluminum has good corrosion resistance in oxidi